When it comes to landscaping in Fayetteville NC, composting can be very beneficial for your lawn and garden.
Composting turns yard waste and kitchen scraps into rich, nutritious organic material that can be used for planting. Composting can improve soil and prevent plant disease. You can start a compost pile now to be ready for next spring by following these simple steps!
Choosing a Container: The first step in composting is deciding what type of compost bin to use. You can buy a compost bin, or build your own. A compost bin can be made out of wood, plastic or another sturdy material. Your compost bin should be place in a shady spot with good drainage.
What to Compost: It’s OK to compost grass clippings, leaves, straw, hay, pine needles, egg shells, fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, cardboard, newspaper, fireplace ashes and tea leaves.
What not to Compost: You should not compost meat, bones, diseased plants or pet waste.
When composting you want to start with brown, then add some green. You can also add a bit of soil. Continue layering browns and greens. Small pieces decompose faster, so you’ll want to cut up any large material. Make sure to keep the compost pile moist and warm. Keeping your compost pile covered can help. However, it also needs air, so you’ll want to turn the pile every once in a while. A compost pile can take a few months, or up to a year to be ready for use. When ready, the compost should look and smell like dark soil.