Testing your soil is always a good idea, especially before spring hits. Knowing what is in your soil can be beneficial for many reasons. Soil testing sounds scary for some, but it is much easier than one would think! Continue reading to learn the importance of soil samples and having your soil tested!

How to Collect a Soil Sample

Believe it or not, there is a correct way to collect the soil that is to be tested. To begin, gather your supplies. You will need a clean saucer or container and a clean stainless steel trowel. Do not use a copper trowel, as this will throw off your soil test results. Select the part of your yard that you would like to test. From this area, you will need to gather four different samples, moving in a zig-zag pattern. Once you have collected the soil samples, mix it within the container. You will then put 1 – 1.5 cups of the soil sample into the provided box. Seal the box and deliver the box to your local North Carolina Agriculture Extension Office.

Why You Should Test Your Soil

Soil samples are beneficial for many reasons. For starters, it is always good to know what kind of soil is in your yard. Is your soil too acidic for certain plants? Maybe your soil is lacking basic nutrients for anything to thrive. Knowing the chemical makeup of your soil will allow you to know what to add and will also allow you to plant accordingly!

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