Mulch in Fayetteville NC

Deer Resistant Plants and Flowers

You may love your wildlife but don’t love that they eat all your plants. While no plant is 100% safe from deer, some plants tend to be more deer resistant than others. Continue reading to learn about Jane’s favorite Deer Resistant Plants and Flowers. Sprays and Physical Barriers If you love your hostas and hydrangeas […]

April Gardening Tips

It is the most beautiful time of the year! Springtime in North Carolina is unlike any other state’s spring. The temperatures are perfect, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the grasses are green, and the flowers have just begun to bloom. Here are a few April gardening tips to help you get the […]

March Gardening Tips

Spring is on its way, and we couldn’t be more excited! Make the best use of your garden bed in March using these March Gardening Tips! Fertilize Now is the time to begin fertilizing shrubs and shade trees as they break out of dormancy. This will give an extra boost to the plant material that […]

January Gardening Tips

New year, new you! How about new year, new yard! While January may seem like a month of rest, there is plenty to accomplish in your yard! Continue reading to learn our January Gardening Tips! Cut back all perennials While this is a task that should have been performed after the first frost, it isn’t […]

Planting for Fall Color

When designing a landscape, it is essential to add plant material that produces colors throughout the year. If you are lucky enough to live in an area that goes through a true fall, you can plant with fall foliage in mind. Continue reading to learn Janes’s top recommendations when planting for fall color! Maples Maples […]

Top Reasons to Plant in the Fall

Many homeowners are surprised to learn that spring is not the best season to landscape your yard. While spring is a good time to plant, it isn’t the best season. In Fayetteville, NC the fall season is the mildest in temperatures and provides the most consistent rain. Continue reading to learn the top reasons to […]

All About Hibiscus

Did you know there are several different types of hibiscus? There are perennial, tropical, and woody ornamental hibiscus plants. Each one has different temperature requirements, grow to reach different heights, and produces slightly different flowers! Continue reading to learn all about hibiscus! Tropical/Annual The tropical hibiscus is the classic tropical flower that can be found […]

August 2022 Garden Tips

Summer is coming to an end, while hurricane season is ramping up. While the growing season is almost over, there are still plenty of tasks to mark off your list! Continue reading to learn our August Garden Tips! Plan for Fall Planting Fall is right around the corner! In Fayetteville, NC, fall is the best […]

July 2022 Garden Tips

July can be one of the most challenging months for your yard. The temperatures are steadily rising, and rain is not as plentiful as it was a couple of months ago. While this is normal for Fayetteville, NC, keeping your newly sodded lawn and freshly installed plants happy and thriving can still be challenging. Keep […]

Shade Loving Plants

Don’t let the shady areas in your yard make you feel defeated! It is an excellent opportunity to bring in some lush plants to fill in the space. Continue reading to learn Jane’s recommendations for shade-loving plants! Mahonia Mahonias come in several varieties, some being smaller growers, while others grow to 3-4 feet. While mahonias […]